Sunday, October 12, 2008

A strange cup of tea

I've always been a proffesional when it came to making tea. I don't know why but I always have.It's some sort of habbitt I grew up with over the fifty years I've lived on Earth, well until I met the Doctor and I've come to find that the man is simply crazy about tea.
Though today I've come to find that brewing up tea off of the planet Sage is a very bad idea.
"Doctor, would you like some tea?" I asked before pouring myself a cup. A smile lit up on my face and began to drink, the tea had this strawberrytaste that made my tounge extreamly happy.
"What kind of question is that Ara?" He asked as just when I finished the cup I was drinking. The strawberry taste somehow was uncontrolable and the weird thing is I hate Strawberry with every bone in my body. But I couldn't help but to drink it.
I happily walked in the room passing the Doctor a cup of tea and he looked at me like I had gone mad, "Arachnelyladora are you alright?" he asked and I couldn't help but to blink a couple of times as I heard his say my full name. It was akward but for some odd reason I didn't chew him out for saying it. It was as though I had no reason to be mad at him, because for some odd reason I felt affactuated with him.-chills-
"Oh yes dear I most deffinitly am,." I replied with a wink, it this definitly was weird...and embarrasing.
"Did you just call me dear?" he asked with an oxymoron expression and that's when I passed him his cup a tea. He simply smelled the tea and then rolled his eyes, "You made tea from Planet you have any idea that this tea makes you intoxicated with feelings for the first person you see after you drink it."
I smiled a quirky smile, "Really?I haven't noticed anythin weird..I feel like myself...oh Doctor your hair is simply devine, and your eyes oh what lovley eyes you have."
He rolled his eyes, "No more quoting little red riding hood Ara I belive we'll have to get you the annitode, though since you might not remeber what I'm saying I might say I do belive I have nice hair."
"What'll happen if I don't get an antidote Doctor?Will you do something about it?" I asked twirling my hair.
He couldn't help but to laugh at the way I was acting and if I knew what I was doing I would've done I would've laughed as well.
"No, but the tea doesn't wear off of timeladies as it does humans and Sagainans so we need the attitdote or you'll simply be intoxicated with your love of me...and I simply wouldn't be a ble to handle that your acting against your own will."
"I see.." I said walking near to him and he walking away, "So how do you knwow I'm acting against my own will?" I asked getting closer to him until our lips touved.
"Because you just did that.." He replied walking away and me(well not me...) followed him, and where I followed was my room. He simply locked me in alone and real me was quite happy with that.
"I'm really sorry I had to do that," he replied as I heard him lock the door to the TARDIS. I rolled my eyes and ended up falling to sleep. About two hours later I was woken up to a slight knudge and a nice smile.
"How about a good cupa tea now?One that doesn't make you extreamly affectionate." He said as I sat up and he passed me the cup.
A normal smile lit up on my face as I took that first normal sip of tea. I felt like me again and all I could do was hug him.
"I'm seeing your yourself again." He replied with a smile, "And I quite like this Ara better." He said pushing his har back.
"Oh I like this Ara too...the other Ara simply snogged you against her own will.." I said looking away.
"Oh it's fine..I've been snogged by two possessed happens alot."
I couldn't help but to smile at him again I just couldn't help it, "Alright then good. So where to now Doctor?"
"Not Sage that's for sure..did you know they were the first planet to have Valentines?Seriously Ara..that's where cupid came from."
I couldn't help but to inturupt, "Yes becase all of the babies have wings when they are born and also have bows and Ara's that give you the feeling of being in love and in the year 1200 a man had spotted a runaway child and the child had gotten frightend and shot him. Thats why humans belive in cupid."
The gave me an oxymoron expression just as he jumped off the bed, " Brilliant. but lets go, I think you've been in here too long."
Weird day I suppose...but I learned a lesson. NEVER DRINK TEA FROM SAGE.
The TARDIS diaries,
PS. The Doctor sure has a thing for hit me with your rythym stick and don't fear the reaper..I alwaso come to find that he has an awsome obssesion with tainted love. I do as well living for 50 years with humans but I suppose we get along just niffty like together..
if that is a word.

1 comment:

RomanaakaFred said...

Oh I might admit that Sage tea does do a little do to the best of us..but try drinking a REAL love potion...^^